NTLT Climate Summit

From Laura Dickinson, NTLT eLearning Lead Practitioner

Last month, schools from across our North Tyneside Learning Trust took part in the first ever NTLT Climate Summit which was held at The Common Room in Newcastle. This 2 day event celebrated the work that our schools had completed as part of Strand 2 of our Climate Strategy.

Our children and young people were tasked with creating a product that would reduce energy consumption and present their idea to a Dragon’s Den panel which comprised of experts from the engineering industry including representatives from ICE (Institute of Civil Engineers), Wardell Armstrong LLP and Nissan.

The day also allowed children to take part in a number of additional workshops as well as their Dragon’s Den pitch, including a workshop ran by The Common Room around the UN Sustainable Goals and visiting an exhibition launched at The Common Room created by ICE (The Institute of Civil Engineers) called Time is Running Out.

The exhibition ‘Time is Running Out’ was also featured in a video shown at COP27 by ICE, and our children and young people impressed ICE so much that they asked to feature our children in their video. It can be seen here.

Our children and young people excelled in their presentations and their behaviour and ideas were praised by all of the adults who were in attendance. They presented ideas such as wearable technologies, living walls, new methods of transportation – all well thought out and researched.

Our judges crowned winners in different categories and our winners were Benton Dene School, Fordley Primary School, Hadrian Park Primary School, Valley Gardens Middle School and George Stephenson High School.

We look forward to schools taking part in the next strand of our Climate Strategy, and resources to support them to do that will be sent to schools soon.

- Posted on 17th November 2022

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