NTLT/Ogden Partnership continues with the 2023 Ogden Phizzi Conference

On Monday 13th November, 38 teachers from across all phases, including middle and special schools in North Tyneside Learning Trust, gathered at The Common Room in Newcastle to take part in the Ogden Phizzi training conference. As part of their training, schools in attendance will receive a kit worth over £450 to assist them with delivery in their schools. 

At the beginning of the day, the delegates were able to explore the beautiful building; taking in the history of the lecture theatre, and magnificent Wood Hall, as well as the breath taking staircase with the miner’s lamp light feature. 

Before the delegates were split into their primary and secondary groups, the first session involved the delegates building bespoke Lego models. This was a good way of introducing the teachers to the workshops that would be available for class visits to The Common Room. There were several models to choose from, including a miners ‘Geordie’ lamp, a wind turbine and a Mars Rover. Everyone had great fun teaming up to build their models… you could feel the competition in the air! 

The delegates then split into primary and secondary groups, with the primary group learning about electricity and how to develop ‘working scientifically’ skills through the context of electricity. The secondary group learnt about energy, space and matter, and how to consider strategies for teaching core physics topics at KS3 to support successful progression from KS2 to KS4. The delegates also had a chance to come together to discuss how they can collaborate to assist transition across from KS2 to KS3. 

Feedback from the event has been extremely positive, with teachers commenting on the knowledge and enthusiasm of the facilitators and how they enjoyed sharing knowledge across phases to better help with transitions. The most common element was around the hands-on experience of the day, and getting to see and use the kits first hand to help with their delivery back in schools.

Those schools completing the feedback were entered into a prize draw with two schools winning the opportunity to attend a workshop at The Common Room, and have a Lego tile displayed on the Lego House with their school logo. The winning schools were Redesdale Primary School and Marden High School – Congratulations!


- Posted on 1st December 2023

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