We receive over 300 nominations for the Star Awards and the job of whittling them down to just 4 finalists per category is the unenviable job of the Star Awards Selection Panel. You can make their job easier (or harder, depending on how you look at it) by following these tips.
- Consider writing it in 3 parts with an opening paragraph, middle paragraph with supporting statements and a closing statement:
o Opening paragraph should say why the young person deserves to be recognised. What challenges have they faced or what goals have they met?
o Middle paragraph should give us some examples.
o Closing statement could include what this award would mean to the nominee.
- Try to write more than a couple of sentences. We really want to know as much about the nominee and their achievements as possible. Nominations less than 100 words in length may not be considered for an award.
- Provide testimonies – has somebody else said something great about the nominee?
- You can submit photos along with your nomination. These should be sent to info@ntlearningtrust.org.uk and make sure to include details of who the information relates to. Please note, we can not accept any additional supporting evidence after the deadline has passed.
- We sometimes receive multiple nominations for the same person. If you want to do this, please make sure all nominations are different and tell their own story.